Zigbee Market: Global Market Size, Dynamics, Regional Insights, and Market Segment Analysis

Zigbee is a wireless technology established as an open worldwide market connectivity standard to address the unique desires of low-cost, low-power wireless IoT data networks. The 2.4 GHz, 900 MHz, and 868 MHz unlicensed radio bands are used by the IEEE 802.15.4 physical board radio specification for the Zigbee communication standard. In general, ZigBee is used to transmit a moderate amount of data over a short distance. The adoption of smart devices has increased the electronics sector, which is one of the many drivers driving the ZigBee market. Moreover, there is a rising desire for wireless networks with a wide-scale ZigBee deployment that are low and require little power. Additionally, ZigBee's ability to operate for many years on cheap batteries for a variety of control and monitoring applications across smart energy and building automation systems is boosting the market's growth.