Dr. Ravinder Singal | Ironman, TEDx Speaker, Philanthropist, Marathoner | Crowd Management Expert

Dr. Ravinder Singal's high ethical standards, integrity, and excellence at work, coupled with an attitude of service and a desire to make a difference define him as a thorough professional.. Leading, controlling violent situations, managing huge crowds comes to Dr. Ravinder Kumar Singal with total ease. His innate love for serving, being amidst the masses, streamlining them, pushing his limits, communicating with them, and working to maintain law and order is the subject of his Ph.D. in Crowd Management. His high level of intellectualism, command over the public, managerial skills, communication skills, and leadership skills became evident when he handled millions of people during the Guru Ta Gaddi, 300th Year Celebration at Nanded (2008) and the two Kumbh Melas at Trimbakeshwar-Nasik (2003 & 2015).