Author: Markcubeben

Deskless workers are frequently frontline workers in industries such as retail, healthcare, manufacturing, and logistics, which are essentially the backbone of our economy. These individuals are critical, and their contributions... Read More

New research reveals that nearly half of all public sector organisations across the UK and Ireland are wrangling with payroll and HR systems that are not fit for purpose. Forty-eight percent... Read More

The initial step in this process involves self-assessment in readiness for change within the team. Knowing their current perception and how they may be resistant to change can help modify... Read More

My passion for HR tech innovation was sparked by the realization that traditional HR systems were inefficient and didn’t leverage the power of AI and automation. I saw an opportunity... Read More

In the information age, almost every business that operates on the internet is data-driven to some extent. As a result, each individual, team, or organization that decides to work in... Read More

In technology, the importance of cyber security cannot be emphasized, especially as firms increasingly rely on AI and machine learning to handle their daily business operations. However, if used carelessly... Read More