Can you get drunk without drinking alcohol? Here's how it could happen, The condition happens when a patient's digestion tracts are colonized by a parasite that converts carbs and sugar into liquor through maturation, the specialist told Fox News Digital.Before diagnosing a patient with ABS, Dieterich said specialists ought to "consistently preclude different causes and guarantee the patient isn't subtly drinking."Autobrewery disorder happens when a patient's digestive organs are colonized by a growth that converts carbs and sugar into liquor through maturation, a specialist told Fox News Computerized. In a new contextual investigation distributed in the Canadian Clinical Affiliation Diary, a 50-year-elderly person had not drunk liquor. However, she reliably had side effects related with inebriation, remembering the smell of liquor for her breath, slurred discourse, and raised blood liquor focuses during a few crisis division visits.